Download Game The Oregon Trail Jar

Oregon Trail

This was a CS 2340 semester-long project in Fall 2011. The project was to design and develop an Oregon Trail variant using object-oriented design patterns and other concepts learned in the class.

Free Gameloft 3D Mobile Java Games, Jar Download, free Java, Phone Game, Jar Java. Oregon THE TRAIL 2: Gold Rush is a game based on java mobile phones. This game is included in kategory adventure. For those of you who liked this adventure game, this game will felt he exclaimed. Download The Oregon Trail. Relive those childhood memories of playing on the classroom computer this educational and fun game. The goal of the game is to make it across the Oregon Trail with.

This project was designed and developed in a semester by 5 undergraduate team members. It was built using Slick2D. All UI components were custom written.


Download The Original Oregon Trail

You can view screenshots of the game in the screenshots directory.

Running the Game

Run with ANT

  1. Install Apache ANT
  2. Open Oregon-Trail directory in a console
  3. Run the corresponding ANT command for your OS:
    • If you are running Windows, use the command: 'ant run-windows' (no quotes)
    • If you are running Mac OS X, use the command: 'ant run-macosx' (no quotes)
    • If you are running Linux, use the command: 'ant run-linux' (no quotes)
Download Game The Oregon Trail Jar

Run with Eclipse

  1. Add the following jars to the project build path (right click project -> Properties -> Java Build Path):
    • lib/lwjgl-2.7.1/jar/lwjgl.jar
    • lib/slick.jar
    • lib/jogg-0.0.7.jar
    • lib/jorbis-0.0.17.jar
  2. Edit native library location for lwjgl.jar to path lib/lwjgl-2.8.2/native/[YOUR_OS_HERE]

Team Members

The Oregon Trail Deluxe

  • Tanner Smith
  • Ryan Ashcraft
  • John Turner
  • George Johnston
  • Jeremy