Follow the instructions below and then try to insert your USB to check whether the problem is solved or not. Hold Windows key and press R. Type powercfg.cpl and press Enter. Click Change plan settings of your selected plan. Select Change advanced power settings. Double click USB settings. Causes of Windows 10 USB not recognized error. There are many causes that lead to this error, but few of them because of which the USB Ports are not working are mentioned here. Power Supply issues. Faulty Device. Power Management settings. Outdated or corrupted USB drivers. Damaged USB Ports.
Usb Controller Driver Windows 10

I recommend using a wired mouse and keyboard, removing all USB devices and in the section where it says Uninstall all the faded entries. take that as reading uninstall everything USB, if you cannot get hold of a wired mouse then you will have to follow the tutorial as written.
After going through this tutorial You may need to reinstall some USB device drivers!!
After a USB device is installed and then removed Windows hides the driver, this first part makes all hidden drivers visible.
1. Unplug all USB devices except mouse and keyboard.
2. Click on Start orb, Type Advanced System settings in the search box and Click on View Advanced System Settings to go there.
3. Click on Advanced tab, Click on Environment Variables.
4. Under the window 'System variables' Click on New.
5. Type devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices as the variable name and type 1 as thevalue.
6. Click OK 3 times to close the windows.
7. Click on Start orb, Type Device Manager in the search box and Click on Device Manager in the list to go there.
8. Click on View, then Show hidden devices.
9. You will now notice that you have a list of USB devices and that some lines appear to be faded. Uninstall all the faded entries.
The INFCACHE.1 file is used to store information about USB drivers, the information in this file may have become corrupted and may cause windows to load the wrong driver or cause a driver not found message to be generated.
Deleting this file will force windows to generate a new INFCACHE.1 file.
1. Right Click on Start orb and Click on Open Windows Explorer.
2. Select Computer in the navigation pane, and search for INFCACHE.1
3. Right Click on the file INFCACHE.1 (if you have more instances of Windows installed only do this for INFCACHE.1 C:WindowsSystem32Driver Store)
4. Click on Properties, Click on Security tab, Click on Edit, Click on Add.
5. Type Administrators in the window with the blinking cursor, Click OK.
6. Delete the INFCACHE.1 file.
7. Connect a USB device, but not the one you were having trouble with this will make a new INFCACHE.1
8. New Start the PC and try your device again.
NOTE... It may, in a few cases be necessary to go through this Tutorial two or even three times to get this to work.
I've installed Windows Vista RC2 5744 x86 on my laptop but I'm having problems with USB ports!
On device manager, all ports are installed and drivers are up to date an working correctly but the main thing is Vista won't detect any of my USB devices!
Neither 3 Pen drives, neither Pocket PC and neither optical mouses!
I've tested on all 3 ports!
The laptop is Aopen 1557G and my USB controllers details are:
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller - 24CD - WHAT IS THIS?
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C2 - WHAT IS THIS?
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C4 - WHAT IS THIS?
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C7 - WHAT IS THIS?
The wierdest thing is that I have 3 USB 2.0 ports, and appeard 4 USB Root Hub.
I don't really understand the meaning of these devices!
Please help me!
Hugs and Kisses to all!