The following chart correlates serial numbers with delivery dates and model designations. All references are either to private communications (P), or to books by Doebeli (D), Vetter (V), and Armbruster (A), as noted by page number.
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Serial Number[s]: | Date[s] of Delivery: | Model Designation & Special Features: | Reference & Page Number: |
00 | 1948 | m/49 Prototype | D 116 |
00 | 1953 | m/49 Prototype | D 117 |
000 | 1953 | m/49 Prototype | V 147 |
001-500 | 1999 | JP210 “50 Years of the Army P 49” | A 174-175 |
0001-16607 | 1948-51 | m/49 | V 146, 148, A 132 |
2120 | 1948-51 | m/49 | V 147 |
5022 | 1962 | m/49 | D 118 |
6001 | 1943 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17, V 24 |
6002 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6003 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6004 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17, A 28-30 |
6005 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6006 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6007 | 1944/45 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17, V 25, A 32-33 |
6008 | 1944 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6009 | 1943 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17, V 26, A 31 |
6010 | circa 1943 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17 |
6011 | circa 1943 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17, V 26, A 27 |
6012 | 1943 | “Petter-SIG Prototype” | D 17, V 27 |
6013 | 1944-47 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17 |
6014 | 1944-47 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17 |
6015 | 1944-47 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17 |
6016 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/15 Prototype” | D 17, V 27, A 34 |
6017 | 1944 | P44/15 “SP44/15 Prototype” | D 17, V 28 |
6018 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17, V 29 |
6019 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17 |
6020 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17, V 29 |
6021 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17 |
6022 | 1944-47 | P44/15 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17 |
6023 | 1944-47 | P44/16 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17, V 30 |
6024 | 1944-47 | P44/16 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17, V 31, A 35 |
6025 | 1944-47 | P44/16 “SP44/16 Prototype” | D 17, V 31-32 |
6026 | 1938 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17, V 32, A 10 |
6027 | 1938 | “Original Petter Model” | D 17, V 33 |
6028 | 1947 | SP47/8 “SP47/8 First Issue” | D 17, V 34, A 36 |
6033 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 33 |
6035-6054 | 1947 | SP47/8 | A 39 |
6051 | 1947 | SP47/8 | V 38 |
6120 | 1947 | SP47/8 | V 39 |
6406 | 1947 | SP47/8 | V 39 |
6442-6461 | 1951-1966 | P210-4 | A 66 |
6451 | 1951 | P210-4 | D 121 |
6459 | 1947/48 | P210-4 | V 40 |
6464-6466 | 1951-1966 | P210-4 | A 66 |
6482 | 1947/48 | P210-4 | D 119, V 40 |
6491-6500 | 1951-1966 | P210-4 | A 66 |
6491 | 1951-1966 | P210-4 | V 69, 74 |
6500 | 1951-1966 | P210-4 | V 69, 74 |
6516 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 35 |
6520 | 1947/48 | SP 47/8 | V 41 |
6540 | 1947/48 | SP 47/8 | V 41 |
6560 | 1947/48 | SP47/8 KK | V118 |
6573 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 36-37 |
6591 | 1947/48 | SP47/8 | V 42 |
6592 | 1947/48 | SP47/8 | V 42 |
6593 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 38, V 43 |
6738 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 39-40 |
6840 | 1947 | SP47/8 | D 41-42 |
6863 | 1963 | P210-5 Prototype | V 78 |
6864 | 1963 | P210-5 Prototype | V 78 |
6865 | 1955 | SP47/8 “Sport” | A 72-73 |
6872 | 1951 | SP47/8 KK | V118 |
6920 | 1947 | P210-6 | D 45-46 |
7005 | 1949-1952 | SP47/8 | V 46 |
7014 | 1949-1952 | SP47/8 | V 46 |
7015 | 1947/48 | SP47/8 | D 47 |
7020 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | V 119 |
7021 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | V 119 |
7024 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | V 120 |
7026 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | D 48, V 120 |
7027 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | V 121 |
7029 | 1948/49 | SP47/8 KK | V 121 |
7695 | 1948/51 | m/49 | V 148 |
15637 | 1951 | m/49 | V 148 |
16608-25513 | 1953/54 | m/49 | V 146, 149, A 132 |
16637 | 1953 | m/49 | V 149 |
20704 | 1954 | m/49 | V 150 |
35025-36441 | 1962 | m/49 | V 146, 150, A 132 |
35383 | 1962 | m/49 | V 150 |
40501 | 1957/58 | P210-7 | V 123 |
41762 | 1968 | P210-7 | V 124 |
A 100001 | 1949 | P49 | V 130 |
A 100672 | 1949 | P49 | V 130 |
A 101231 | 1949 | P49 | V 131 |
A 104214 | 1950/51 | P49 | V 131 |
A 166501 | 1969 | P49 | V 136 |
A 172385 | 1972 | P49 Shooting Prize | D 127 |
A 204685 | 1985 | P49 Shooting Prize | V 137 |
A 212913 | 1985 | P49 Shooting Prize | D 129 |
D 0001-5000 | from 1951 | P210-4 | V 69, A 62-63 |
D 0031 | 1951 | P210-4 | V 70 |
D 0063 | 1951 | P210-4 | V 71 |
D 4156 | 1951/52 | P210-4 | V 71 |
D 5001-5020 | 1955 | P210-4 | V 69, A 63 |
D 6001-6500 | 1995-2001 | P210-4 | V 76, A 67, 69 |
D 6002 | 1995-2001 | P210-4 | V 76, A 67 |
D 6362 | 1995-2001 | P210-4 “50 Years of BGS” | A 69 |
HT 6925-6951 | 1983 | P210-4 | V 75 |
HT 6950 | 1983 | P210-4 | V 75 |
JP 001-500 | 1978 | JP210 “125 Years of SIG” | V 159 |
JP 029 | 1978 | JP210 “125 Years of SIG” | A 160-161 |
JP 164 | 1978 | JP210 “125 Years of SIG” | D 102 |
JP 178 | 1978 | JP210 “125 Years of SIG” | V 160 |
№ 0001-1991 | 1991 | JP210 “700 Years of Swiss Confederation” | A 165-167 |
№ 0178 | 1991 | JP210 “700 Years of Swiss Confederation” | V 163 |
P 6865 | 1955 | SP47/8 “Target” | A 73-75 |
P 6920 | 1953 | SP47/8 “Target” | V 94-95 |
P 6924 | 1953/54 | SP47/8 “Target” | V 95 |
P 8003 | 1951 | P 210-3 | V 64 |
P 8001-8250 | 1951 | P210-3 | D 52, A 59-61 |
P 8015 | 1950 | P210-3 | D 50 |
P 8139 | 1951 | P210-3 | V 65 |
P 8238 | 1959 | P210-3 | D 51 |
P 8262 | 1951 | P210-3 | V 65 |
P 8826 | 1949 | P210-3 | D 52 |
P 8874-8893 | 1965 | P210-3 | D 52 |
P 50004 | 1949/50 | P210-1 | V 50 |
P 50091 | 1949 | P210-1 | D 54 |
P 50167 | 1950 | P210-1 | D 57 |
P 50249 | 1949/50 | P210-1 | V 51 |
P 50274 | 1949 | P210-1 | D 58 |
P 50283 | 1950/54 | P210-6 | V 96 |
P 50355 | 1952/53 | SP47/8 KK | V 122 |
P 50897 | 1950 | P210-4 | V 70 |
P 50935 | 1950 | P210-2 “S Delivery” | V 58 |
P 51619 | 1951/52 | P210-1 | V 51 |
P 51787 | 1951/52 | P210-1 | V 52 |
P 52221 | 1967 | P210-5 Prototype | D 77, V 79 |
P 52222 | 1967 | P210-5 Prototype | D 75, 79, V 77, 79 |
P 52224 | 1967 | P210-5 Prototype | V 80 |
P 52240 | 1967 | P210-5 | D 75, V 79-80 |
P 52713 | 1952 | P210-2 | D 59 |
P 52784 | 1965 | P210-2 “S-Delivery” | D 124 |
P 53148 | 1952 | P210-1 | D 60-61 |
P 53226 | 1953 | SP47/8 “Sport” | V 81 |
P 53412 | 1953 | P210-2 | V 59 |
P 54180 | circa 1953 | SP47/8 “Target” | D 61-62 |
P 54460 | 1952/53 | P210-1 | V 52 |
P 54581 | 1953 | P210-1 | V 53 |
P 54961 | 1967 | P210-5 | V 81 |
P 55016 | 1954/55 | P210-1 | V 53 |
P 56046 | 1963 | P210-2 Shooting Prize | V 138 |
P 56503 | 1954/55 | P210-1 | V 54 |
P 56845 | 1960s | P210-5 NM | A 84 |
P 56846 | 1965 | P210-5 NM | V 82 |
P 56890 | 1960s | P210-5 NM | A 82, 84 |
P 56933 | 1960s | P210-5 NM | A 83 |
P 57271 | 1965 | P210-2 Shooting Prize | V 138 |
P 57764 | 1965-67 | P210-5 .38 Special | V 83, A 145-150 |
P 57767 | 1958 | P210-2 “Stamped Slide” | A 151-155 |
P 57768 | 1958 | P210-2 “Stamped Slide” | D 123 |
P 58143 | 1955 | P210-1 | D 63 |
P 58931-58940 | 1966 | P210-5 NM | D 73-75 |
P 58933 | 1966 | P210-5 NM | D 73-75 |
P 59691-59700 | 1961/62 | P210-S “Swedish Trial” | D 125, A142-144 |
P 59691 | 1961/62 | P210-S “Swedish Trial” | A 142-144 |
P 59693 | 1961/62 | P210-S “Swedish Trial” | D 125 |
P 59706 | 1967 | P210-5 HF | V 84 |
P 60358 | 1968/69 | P210-5 de Luxe | V 153 |
P 60412 | 1956-58 | P210-1 | V 54 |
P 60431-60448 | 1969 | P210-5 NM | D 74-75 |
P 60432 | 1969 | P210-5 NM | A 83 |
P 60433 | 1969 | P210-5 NM | A 86 |
P 60437 | 1969 | P210-5 NM | A 84 |
P 60442 | 1969 | P210-5 NM | V 85 |
P 60448 | 1968 | P210-5 NM | D 76 |
P 60450 | 1969 | P210-5 HF | V 85 |
P 60881 | 1969-1971 | P210-5 | V 86 |
P 64930 | 1970 | P210-6 | P |
P 66385 | 1972 | P210-5 | V 86 |
P 66574 | circa 1970 | P210-2 | D 68 |
P 67148 | 1969/70 | P210-2 | V 60 |
P 68649 | 1972 | P210-5 | P |
P 68990 | 1969/70 | P210-1 | V 55 |
P 69769 | 1971 | P210-L | V 154 |
P 70100 | 1970/71 | P210-L | V 155 |
P 73351-73400 | 1974 | P210-6 | A 102-103 |
P 73616 | 1972/73 | P210-1 | V 55 |
P 76267 | 1969/70 | P210-3 | V 66 |
P 76521-76620 | 1979 | P210-6 | D 75 |
P 76544 | 1979 | P210-6 HF | V 99 |
P 76588 | 1979 | P210-HF | D 81 |
P 77744 | 1977 | P210-L | V 156 |
P 78497 | 1975 | P210-2 | D 69 |
P 79101-79125 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | D 74-75, A 97-98 |
P 79102 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | D 83 |
P 79103 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | P |
P 79115 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | V 100 |
P 79126-79150 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | D 75, A 97-100 |
P 79136 | 1975 | P210-6 HF | P |
P 79600-79700 | 1979 | P210-6 | D 75 |
P 79651 | 1979 | P210-6 HF | V 100 |
P 79667 | 1979 | P210-6 HF | D 82 |
P 79900-79950 | 1976 | P210-3 | D 70 |
P 79931 | 1976 | P210-3 | D 70 |
P 79931-79350 | 1976 | P210-3 | D 70, A 59-61 |
P 79937 | 1976 | P210-3 | V 66 |
P 79938 | 1976 | P210-3 | V 67, A 61 |
P 79946 | 1976 | P210-3 | V 67 |
P 80083 | 1976/77 | P210-2 | V 60 |
P 81053 | 1977 | P210-3 | V 68 |
P 81422 | 1990 | P210-6 KK Shooting Prize | V 139 |
P 84300 | 1978 | P210-5 | D 73 |
P 89107 | 1978 | P210-6 | D 84 |
P 92698 | 1982 | P210-L | P |
P 96651 | 1976 | P210-3 | V 63 |
P 96651 | 1983/84 | P210-6 | V 101 |
P 97250 | 1983/84 | P210-2 | V 61 |
P 97350 | 1983 | P210-5 | V 89 |
P 97550 | 1983 | P210-5 | V 89 |
P 97901-97950 | 1984 | P210-5 180mm | V 90 |
P 300001 | 1983/84 | P210-6 | V 102 |
P 300700 | 1984 | P210-6 | V 102 |
P 300850 | 1983/84 | P210-2 | V 62 |
P 301706 | 1986/87 | P210-2 | V 62 |
P 305101-305150 | 1988 | P210-5 180mm | V 90 |
P 305715 | 1988 | P210-5 180mm | V 90 |
P 305979 | 1988 | P210-2 Shooting Prize | V 139 |
P 306201-306250 | 1985/86 | P210-5 | V 91 |
P 306301-306400 | 1985/86 | P210-5 180mm | V 91 |
P 306501-306600 | 1985/86 | P210-5 180mm | V 91 |
P 306600 | 1988 | P210-5 | V 103 |
P 306751-306850 | 1985/86 | P210-5 | V 91 |
P 309521-309570 | 1987-90 | P210-5 HF | V 91 |
P 309555 | 1987-90 | P210-5 HF 180mm | V 92 |
P 310001-310999 | 1986 | JP210 “600 Years of Battle at Sempach” | A 162-163 |
P 310178 | 1986 | JP210 “600 Years of Battle at Sempach” | V 165 |
P 312700-2 | 1992 | P210-5 | V 92 |
P 314514-2 | 1993 | P210-5 HF | V 93 |
P 315850 | 1995 | P210-5 HF | V 93 |
P 316550 | 1995 | P210-6 HF | V 106 |
P 325723-325725 | 2006 | P210-6 HF | P |
P 331065-331067 | 2006 | P210-6 S | P |
P 331536 | 2006 | P210-5 LS | A 93-94 |
P 555001 | 1986/87 | P210-6 “Von Bank” | V 158 |
HF → Heavy Frame
JP → Jubiläumspistole = Jubilee Pistol
Sig Sauer Serial Number Search
KK → Kleinkaliber (.22 Long Rifle)
L → Luxus = Deluxe (engraved model)
S → Sport, HF, side mag button
LS → Long Slide Sport, HF, side mag button
NM → Nationalmannschafts-Modell = National Match Model

H.P. Doebeli,
Sig Sauer
Die SIG Pistolen, Motorbuch Verlag, 1981, ISBN 3-87943-739-4Lorenz Vetter, Das grosse Buch der SIG-Pistolen
Sig Serial Number Lookup 55b079439

Sig Sauer P220 Serial Number Lookup
, Motorbuch Verlag/Verlag Stocker-Schmid, 1995, ISBN 3-7276-7123-8Erwin Armbruster & Werner Kessler,
Sig Serial Number Search
Begegnungen mit einer Legende — SIG SP 47/8 / P 210, Kessler Waffen AG, 2007—The author thanks Paul Kümin for his kind contributions of information incorporated in this article. If you own a SIG P210 with a test target that indicates the date of its shooting, please send its copy to the author as an email attachment, for incorporation into this list.