Power Maps Excel 2013 Download


Welcome to my course on Microsoft Excel Power Map, a new mapping extension for Excel 2013 and Office 365, and is a part of the Excel Power BI extensions. At the end of the course, you will be able to look at information in new ways using Excel’s 3-D data visualization tool, Power Map.

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Our today’s post is about “Power Map” is by Ben Richardson who runs Acuity Training a London-based provider of Excel courses

Power Map is a MS Excel Add-in that is part of its BI (business intelligence) suite and is used to map geographic data. The term “Power” refers to the family of BI products that have been included in various versions of Excel, starting from Excel 2010 onward.

Power Map is also available as a com-based, separately installable add-in.

Getting Started – Installing the Add in:

Power Map is pre-installed in Excel 2016. This part is for 2013 and earlier users.

Google “MS Excel Power Map for Excel 2013” and you will find as the number 1 result (probably) the MS web page that you can download the add-in from.

Free excel maps

After downloading and installing add-in, you can load it from the add-in menu, as follows:

  1. 1- Go to File Menu > Options > Add-Ins. You will be offered a number of options.

  2. 2- On Lower Right side of the dialogue box, select “COM “based add-ins.

  3. 3- This will display the dialogue box with options to select an add-in. since we have already installed it, it should appear in this list. Select the “Power Map” Add-in and press OK.

After installation, the power map ribbon will appear in the “Insert” Tab.

Getting and Preparing Data to be plotted:

If you have your own data to plot, that is great. If you are practicing using this feature Microsoft offers a number of databases of data that you can use.

For this tutorial, we will be using data from the World Bank Database. You can download the one used in the tutorial from this link[1]. .

You can download the data as an Excel file, in CVS or text file format. For a beginer, it is best to download the Excel version of the file.

Lets start by developing a simple model. We will then see how the options available will improve it for us. .

We will use the European data from the file we downloaded, modified to be used with this tutorial.

Power Maps Excel 2013 Download

Senario # 01 – Plotting The Population Of EU Countries In the Year 2000:

The data for the population of the EU is available in the accompanying file – the data for this scenario is available in the sheet named “Senario 1”.

In order to make a Power Map:

  1. 1- Select the entire data set.

  2. 2- Go to Insert > Power Map > Launch Power Map

Excel will now open an entirely new window with a world map in the center and with a number of options available on the right and above the map, as below:

We can see a very basic plot on the globe. If we zoom in, we can see further details but what we are looking at right now are just the “Geographic Indicator” in our database or merely “countries” represented by spots.

Let’s take a look at how it looks when we zoom in (using the controls in the bottom right of the map window):

To add the population to this map, we will click “Next” in the bottom right of our Excel screen, see screen shot above.

This will take us to a screen where can add attributes or variables by geography:

If we select “Population”, it will be shown on our Power Map.

The height of the bar for each country now represents the size ofit’s population.

Let’s now explore some of the other options available for this plot.

Adding Country Name to the “Category”:

  1. 1- If we enable (tick mark) the “Country” variable it will be added to the “Category” section of the Power Map Options.

This addition will be displayed by each country having a differently coloured bar on the map. This isn’t very helpful without a guide to what each colour represents.

  1. 2- In order to clarify this, we need to enable “Legends” from the options in the ribbon to identify the country by the color of it’s column. See the ‘Layer 1’ list in the image below.

Free Excel Maps

  1. 3- Another option is to enable the “Map Labels” to see the name of each country, just below the bar representing its population. This is also shown below.

The final output is:

Scenario # 02 – Plotting Multiple Years:

If we need to show data for three years we will need to add the corresponding data sets for 2007 and 2015 to the exisiting data for 2000.

The final data will be in the format below:

We will now need to select the clustered column chart to plot the data for years side-by-side:

This will how the final result as below.


This introductory article can only give an initial view.

Power Map contains a huge number of possible ways to represent your data - for example we can save individual scenarios and produce a tour, create time lines, add layers, plot a map in 2D instead of 3D and so on.

We’re planning to produce this shortly.

[1] The link for downloading raw data (as accessed on 11 Sep2017) is: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?Id=d1e72bda&Report_Name=Popular-Indicators#

Download Power Map Excel 2013 32 Bit

If you haven't noticed lately, Power Map has gone into General Availability as of 25 of February 2014. It comes along with service pack 1 of Office 2013, which you can download here. There are two ways of getting this update:

  • Downloading and installing service pack 1, aka the old-school method.
  • Simply having the Click-To-Run Office 2013 version and making sure you have updates enabled.

Melissa Coates explains the difference in this blog post: Getting New Power Pivot Features & Other Office 2013 Updates.

As outlined in this blog post by Chris Webb, you can only enjoy Power Map if you have the Office 365 version of Office 2013 Professional Plus. You know, cloud first and all that stuff. No worries, I thought, we have Office 365 at element61 (the company I work at if you're wondering).

Time to check out the new goodies so I went ahead and downloaded the service pack. After installing it and rebooting my computer I fired up Excel and went straight for the Insert tab, the new habit for Power Map. However, no Power Map in sight. I didn't have the preview installed by the way, I'm a bit of a late adapter sometimes. After holding back a few swears it came to me that I might have to enable some add-in, just like with Power Pivot/View. But, no Power Map add-in to be found. I forgot to take screenshots out of pure frustration, so you have to believe me on my word on that.

I was not really in the mood to scourge the Internet for a possible solution to my problem, as there was probably not much info out there to begin with, considering the service pack had just been released. So I went to the Office 365 portal and checked if I could install the Click-To-Run version of Office 2013. The good news was that this was indeed the case (and thus confirming I do indeed have Office 365).

First I uninstalled Office 2013 from my laptop, which went really smooth.

I chose the correct language and version of Office in the browser and clicked Install. This downloads a very small .exe to your computer, which will kick off the streaming installation (remarkable design of the Office logo by the way).

Microsoft Power Map 2016

Office is installed in the background ...

... while you can admire the sales video and OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive).

After a while, set-up has finished and you're good to go.

If you check the Account page in Excel for example, you know have an extra icon for your automatic updates, which basically tells you have the Click-To-Run version installed.

In the Office 365 portal, you now have some details about your version and some info on the amount of installs you have left.

But back on-topic: where's my Power Map? Luckily, after installing the 'streaming' version of Office, Power Map was where it belongs: in the Insert tab.

Power Maps Excel 2013 Download Pdf

Clicking the icon tells you still have to enable the add-in.

Power Map Excel 2013 Deutsch Download

After 1 click on the button, you can now admire Power Map in all its glory.

Download Power Map For Excel

Conclusion: 1 wasted download (luckily there are almost no more download limits in Belgium), 1 Click-To-Run version installed and Power Map at my fingertips! Uninstalling Office 2013 and installing its alternative took me less than half an hour and I am really pleased with how smooth and painless it went. Time well spent since now every update of Power BI comes rolling in automatically. And all was good...